Terms of use

Terms of use – Yes Property Agents Yes Property Agents, Local real estate agent in Queanbeyan, . View our terms of use and condition information. general your use of this web site is based upon your acceptance of the terms in this notice, as well as other notices listed on our web site and should you object to any of the conditions in the notices on our web site, it is your responsibility to cease your use of the web site. failure to comply with the terms in this notice, as well as other notices listed on our web site will result in your termination or limitation of access to our web site. disclaimer and limitation of liability the information and material provided on this website is for assistance only. information and material provided on our web site, or in any publication is not to be regarded as, or considered a substitute for professional legal, financial or real estate advice. appraisal property reports will be provided upon request, however these cannot be taken as valuations, as only registered valuers value property, not real estate agents. copyright all material provided on our website and publications is copyright. any information or copyright material is for private use only. if you wish to use this material for other purposes or reproduction, written permission must be obtained from us or the relevant copyright owner. if permission is gained, it is subject to the requirement that the lawful copyright owner’s name and interest in the material is acknowledged when the material is reproduced or quoted, whether in part or in whole. indemnity you agree to indemnify us and our partners, agents, officers, employees and other authorised representatives against all claims, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses arising in any way out of or in any way connected to your use of this web site. third party links any links, advertisements or pointers to websites operated by third parties do not form part of the web site. these third parties are not controlled by Yes Property Agents and are not the responsibility of us. if you click through to these links, advertisements or pointers, you are leaving our web site at your own risk. jurisdiction your use of this web site and all of our legal notices will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New South Wales and A.C.T, Australia and by using our internet site you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that state.

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