
A colorful toolbox filled with various tools like a saw, hammer, and wrench is open on a blue and white background. Nearby, a hard hat and circular saw await action. Text reads, Should you renovate or sell? Think about your options. A logo below says Yes Property Agents.

Should You Renovate or Sell?

Before renovating your property, consider it as a business decision. Assess whether the renovations will immediately add value and increase the property's value. Renovating is not about enjoying the end result, but to attract more buyers and add value. It's important to consider the market's expectations rather than personal taste. Yes Property Agent. Tome Velkovski suggests that if your home is a...

Image showing a presentation slide titled "What is the Impact of a Failed Auction?" It includes auction statistics for November 18, 2023, and explores financial costs. The question "What should you do after a failed auction campaign?" prompts strategic consideration. A man is pictured on the right.

What should you do after a failed auction campaign?

When a real estate auction fails, it means that the property did not sell to a bidder during the auction process. In such cases, the property usually returns to the owner. An agent may frequently suggest an auction because it's another "service" that generates a sizable profit for them. This is because they advise a costly and extensive marketing strategy to go along with it. As the "market" determines...

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